Since its inception in 2000, Pastry Mart has been a Singapore-incorporated company well recognized as specialists in import/export and distribution of bakery and pastry based products/ingredients.
Today, Pastry Mart boasts of an ingenious team encompassing over 25 years of relevant experience in the industry, bringing together an extensive range of established brands – Rich’s products from U.S.A, Natra Cacao from Spain, Coombe Castle from U.K and Pidy’s from Belgium, just to name a few. Pastry Mart’s distributes to Hotels, Clubs, Central Kitchens, Bakeries, Hospitals, Educational Institutions and even Airlines. Their warehouse is located at No. 1 Senoko Avenue.
Facebook: Pastry Mart
Pastry Mart is known for their product consistency over the years. They have brought their wholesale experience to their retail store. In their first retail outlet, they will be focusing on the customer’s journey and empowering their customers of different baking skills level.
One of their main feature in store is to have a baking studio. By providing courses for bakers with different levels of baking competencies, they believe it would empower more baking enthusiasts to pick up new baking skills.
Canberra Crescent #02-20, S752106
Opens Daily (10am – 10pm)